Thursday, January 9, 2014

15 minute Insanity Cardio HASfit

Well, I decided to do one more quick workout. My hubby came home and I told him to get some tennis shoes on for "just 15 minutes of cardio" that he could do while watching the NBA game. So, he suited up and off we went! I found this 15 Minute Insanity Cardio Workout by

The workout was on YouTube here-->

What I Liked:
  • It was structured intervals. 30 seconds per exercise, 15 exercises, 2 rounds. This made it easy to do while watching basketball on TV. His vocal cues were loud enough to hear. 
  • There was no "recovery" interval. Since I did a workout earlier that had "time off" in between exercise I wanted something to push me. Of course, they say the heart rate up and down is better for metabolism, but this was my fourth exercise tonight, so I wasn't too worried about it. If you want to burn calories and go hard for 15 minutes, this workout doesn't mess around.
  • He used very light weights (3 pounds) for fast weight intervals. It was one of those "do as many reps as you can" and not "max out weight" for those 30 seconds. I liked it. I used my 3 pound weights from my jump rope fail workout. ;)
  • The cool down was separate; you can click on the video at the end to move to his cool down or do your own.
  • This will be a tough workout if you aren't of decent physical fitness, but don't give up! You can do it. My rule is JUST KEEP MOVING. Slow down on the reps if you can't keep up or reduce movement. Just don't stop.
  • You do need "equipment" (hand weights) to do this workout, though you could probably do them without weights if you wanted to. Or, just put a water bottle in each hand if you have some of those in the refrigerator. 
  • It is high impact, so if you can't do jumping, you'll need to modify and he doesn't provide any modifications.
Recommend? YES, if you want a good workout, I say to try this out for size. You work hard, it's total body (even though I hate mountain climbers), and you get it done in 15 minutes. Here's my heart rate stats:

 I like that!!! :)  Let me know if you give this a try! Best of luck!

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