Monday, March 12, 2018

Check Out This Logo!

Check out my new blog logo! I am using the red logo as my favicon for this site and the other will be my official logo. I love it! The general idea is that it is a weight bench made from a letter T. To incorporate a cardio element, I added a cutout of a runner in the corner. And, I didn't want my name to be super prominent, but I did want to include it so I used a simple font down the side for my name. I picked an interesting font called FargoFaroNF from DaFont Free.

I went with black as the dominant logo color mainly because weights are typically black. Black is also associated with power and strength, so that seemed right on message. For the simpler logo, I changed the color to a deep red for somewhat of a double meaning. Red can indicate a warning/alert, which might represent the result of poor health or a wake-up call for those who need it (like I did when I started working out!). It also represents passion, and since I have a passion for fitness, that worked perfectly. 

Simple version--> 

Official version--> 

About Tonya the Blogger...

Why a fitness blog?

That's a great question.

First off, I am a busy teacher mom. I'm always toting kids to volleyball or cheer practice or trying to accompany my husband as arm candy to some event. If I can find the time to devote to fitness, anyone can. Seriously.

Second, I want to help people. I think that becoming the best version of YOU that you can is critical.  But, my personal journey to fitness didn't come from me being unhappy with me. I wasn't "happy" with how I looked, but I wasn't depressed or sad about it. I would have preferred to not shop in the plus size department, and I am super happy now to not have to purchase a size 22.  My main reason ended up being health-related. I found out I was pre-diabetic. My numbers were not good. And, my grandma was an insulin-dependent diabetic. So, this wasn't something I could mess around with. But, motivating myself was HARD. Really hard!

Let's take a minute and look at me... here's a picture of me in 2010 at Christmas.

Yeah, all 250 pounds of me! Geesh!

I worked very hard that year food journaling, counting carbs, and exercising. I couldn't find the hours in a day so eventually I started exercising in the morning to knock it out before my body knew what was happening. And, now, I have tried to find ways to motivate myself to work in exercise creatively.

So, I hope this blog helps to encourage those struggling with weight or just feeling better about their bodies. 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

You CAN Find Time to Get Fit!

So, a huge pet peeve of mine is when people say that they don't have time to exercise. I'm a mom of two and for the last 7 years, I have made time for exercise nearly every day. As of right now, I do that before school (so, I get up at 5:20 and hit the treadmill at 5:30) and maybe 2-3 times a week, I try to do something else in the evening, like weights or taking a walk outside.

Everyone has an excuse. But, if something is important to you, you'll make time. When I found out I was pre-diabetic years ago, I didn't have a choice but to become more active. Don't wait until something crazy like that happens to make time for YOU!