Monday, March 12, 2018

About Tonya the Blogger...

Why a fitness blog?

That's a great question.

First off, I am a busy teacher mom. I'm always toting kids to volleyball or cheer practice or trying to accompany my husband as arm candy to some event. If I can find the time to devote to fitness, anyone can. Seriously.

Second, I want to help people. I think that becoming the best version of YOU that you can is critical.  But, my personal journey to fitness didn't come from me being unhappy with me. I wasn't "happy" with how I looked, but I wasn't depressed or sad about it. I would have preferred to not shop in the plus size department, and I am super happy now to not have to purchase a size 22.  My main reason ended up being health-related. I found out I was pre-diabetic. My numbers were not good. And, my grandma was an insulin-dependent diabetic. So, this wasn't something I could mess around with. But, motivating myself was HARD. Really hard!

Let's take a minute and look at me... here's a picture of me in 2010 at Christmas.

Yeah, all 250 pounds of me! Geesh!

I worked very hard that year food journaling, counting carbs, and exercising. I couldn't find the hours in a day so eventually I started exercising in the morning to knock it out before my body knew what was happening. And, now, I have tried to find ways to motivate myself to work in exercise creatively.

So, I hope this blog helps to encourage those struggling with weight or just feeling better about their bodies. 

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