Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Extreme Full Body Workout Journey Gym

So, the YouTube heading says this is a 20 minute workout. It's more like 27 minutes. So, there's that. Make sure you have time.    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MiS8XSlwtg&feature=youtu.be

I really liked this workout. You need an aerobic step. I have one and I don't use it much. Most step workouts are so repetitive and don't really get my heart rate up too much. The step they have on the video.. it's cool. It has some sort of handles and built in resistance. I don't have that, so I used 10 pound free weights. 

My heart rate average was 129 bpm, which was pretty good. It had some extreme ups and downs but never dropped real low (got below 120 a few times, but not tons once I got it up after the beginning). Some of the exercises were pretty challenging (I get scared jumping up with two feet onto the top of the step!) but you'd do an exercise for 30-60 seconds and if it was something that you had to balance on one leg or step with one leg, your supporting leg got super tired. So, good muscle fatigue. 

Anyway, I liked it. I'd like to make my "own version" of this with free weights and my favorite parts of this with variations. I came up with some good alternate exercises even if I do say so myself. :)

Try it!